Upcoming events
Registration for the Arizona Association of Emergency Managers Annual Conference is now live! The conference will be held September 25th and 26th at the Hilton Phoenix Resort at the Peak. We have a limited number of reduced spots at $100 for full-time Emergency Management students to attend the full conference and provide a poster presentation during the lunch break on day 1. Please contact AzEMSecretary@gmail.com for more information. ******* We also invite you to join us for the Hometown Heroes and First Responder Night at State Farm Stadium on September 15th. Members can purchase an event ticket at the deeply discounted price of $25 ($65 for each additional guest). Please register via our website. ******* AzEM will also be hosting a member appreciation event at Aunt Chiladas on 9/25 at 4:00 p.m. Members are invited to join us for free; non-members may join for $100. Please register via our website. ******* Sponsorship Opportunities Brochure |